Friday’s Fresh Five! (6/29/12)
“Seriously, can’t you hold onto your own chew?” I say as I look into the child-like brown eyes of Buster, my 90-pound grand-puppy. For several minutes now, I’ve sat next to him holding on to one end...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/3/12)
My BFF (Best Friend Forever) and I have known each other for forty years now. Next week we will celebrate our thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. How time flies when your life is filled with love. #1 –...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (9/7/12)
After a day filled with swimming in the pool and catching Frisbees at the park, Buster, my grand-dog, wasn’t busting any more moves. Although still a pup, his grandparents managed to wear him out. By...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/2/12)
Photos by Linnell Chang “Whatcha lookin’ at, lady?” the bird seemed to say crossly as it stared back at me. A rather rotund, but scraggly-looking bird sat on the ground, hardly moving, not even as I...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/30/12)
Watching fierce winds whip the branches of a small Kishu Mandarin tree forced me to make a quick decision. With a trunk no wider than an inch and tiny branches heavy with fruit, I worried that the...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (12/14/12)
One step out of the front door, one downward dour look, and one step back into the house – I could tell that no amount of coaxing was going to persuade my 14-year-old dog to go for a walk in the rain....
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (3/22/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang The breeze swirls around the daffodils and makes them nod their heads in unison. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” they seem to say with their up and down movement. For a moment I wonder, if the...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (4/26/13)
With his blue cape flipped up, Romeo is just a dog wearing a “cone of shame.” But, with the help of his creative mom, when he wears his blue cape flipped down, he becomes Super Dog — because that’s...
View ArticleTails of Love: Dogs with Cancer
Photos by Linnell Chang Cancer does not discriminate. It strikes the young and the old, the tall and the short, males and females, and even Cockapoos. When my dog Romeo developed chondrosarcoma, I...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/28/13)
The lyrics “Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath . . . ” played in my head as I watched a Mourning Dove and a Lesser Goldfinch shake and shimmy while bathing in the cool waters of my backyard fountain....
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (7/5/13)
Small tufts of hair sticking out over his eyes resemble the white bushy eyebrows of an old man. Only a thin isthmus of hair prevents two bald spots on his face from becoming one large one and deep...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (7/26/13)
What happens when a group of Corgis meet for a play date in the park? They run around, they sniff each other, and they herd. One time they herded a Golden Retriever right to the top of a picnic table....
View ArticleSweet Potato Fries for Dogs
Hold the ketchup! Hold the salt! These baked sweet potato fries are perfect just the way they are! Perfect for dogs, that is. If most people could adjust their palates to accept baked fries with no...
View ArticleSaying Goodbye To My Dog Romeo
RomeoDecember 1998 to November 2013 As Romeo forces air into his lungs, his rib cage rattles and his entire body shivers. While I watch him breathe, tears roll down my cheeks. He lifts his head at the...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (12/6/13)
His eyes close as the sun shines on his face and the wind blows through his hair. My dog’s face reflects sheer bliss during a recent car ride. Dogs live in the present moment and savor all of life’s...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (1/10/14)
With his Santa’s hat askew, Buster, a black Lab, looks warily over at Ruca, his playful Corgi cousin from New York. “Is she still there?” one could only imagine him thinking as he tries to avoid eye...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (1/24/14)
The sum of all parts makes for an engaging whole. Buster, my grand-pup, tries to ignore me as I walk around him with my camera. I’m touching him but, worse than that, I’m in his face and I’m...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (2/7/14)
The figure of speech “Jack of all trades, master of none” suits me to a T. It refers to a person who shows competency in many skills, but is not particularly outstanding in any one. I recently learned...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (4/4/14)
A dumpling-shaped hummingbird perched on a feeder and uncharacteristically took his time sipping nectar. After every sip, he looked around leisurely. When another hummingbird frenetically approached...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (9/19/14)
Sleeping next to her leash, my son’s dog Ruca dreams of going for a walk. There is much we can learn from dogs. One thing my dog taught me about life is that if you set your mind on something and work...
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